What Does the Bible Say About Self-Righteousness?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary holds a degree in theology and she has a deep understanding of biblical texts. She works as an elementary school teacher in Alabama.

In a nutshell, the Bible is pretty clear about self-righteousness: it’s not a good look. It warns against the pride and hypocrisy that often come with it. Self-righteousness is seen as a barrier to truly understanding God’s grace. The Bible emphasizes humility and acknowledges that righteousness comes from God, not ourselves. Jesus, especially in the New Testament, often called out self-righteousness in religious leaders, urging a focus on genuine faith and humility.

Curious about what the Bible really says about self-righteousness? Dive into the scriptural insights about why humility wins over pride every time.

What Does the Bible Say About Self-Righteousness?

The Bible has a lot to say about self-righteousness, and it’s not in favor of it. This concept, which entails an overestimation of one’s own virtues and a dismissal of others, is repeatedly addressed and critiqued in the scriptures.

In the Bible, self-righteousness is often linked with hypocrisy and pride. It’s the attitude of believing oneself to be morally superior, often accompanied by a judgmental view towards others. This mindset is contrary to the teachings of Jesus and the essence of the gospel, which is centered on humility, grace, and love.

Jesus, during His time on earth, had several encounters with self-righteous individuals, particularly religious leaders. He consistently pointed out their hypocrisy. These leaders were more concerned with appearing righteous than actually living righteously. Jesus’ teachings in the New Testament shift the focus from external compliance to internal transformation, a move away from self-righteous attitudes.

The danger of self-righteousness, according to the Bible, lies in its ability to blind individuals to their own faults and need for God’s grace. It creates a false sense of security in one’s own moral standing and leads to a judgmental and unloving attitude towards others. The Bible emphasizes that true righteousness is a gift from God, not something one can achieve through self-effort.

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Moreover, the Bible highlights the importance of humility. It teaches that recognizing our own sinfulness and need for God’s mercy is crucial. This recognition leads to a genuine, grace-filled relationship with God and others.

The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in the Bible is a vivid illustration of this concept. The Pharisee boasts about his own righteousness, while the tax collector humbly acknowledges his sinfulness. Jesus points out that it was the tax collector, not the Pharisee, who went home justified before God.

In essence, the Bible’s view on self-righteousness is a call to self-reflection and humility. It’s a reminder that righteousness comes from God, and it’s only through His grace that we can live rightly. This perspective encourages believers to focus on their own spiritual growth and relationship with God, rather than judging others or relying on their own moral achievements.

Bible Verses About Self-Righteousness

  1. Luke 18:9-14 – This is the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. Jesus uses this story to warn against self-righteousness and to emphasize the importance of humility before God.
  2. Isaiah 64:6 – Isaiah acknowledges that all our righteous acts are like filthy rags before God. This verse highlights the idea that human efforts at righteousness are inadequate without God’s grace.
  3. Matthew 23:27-28 – Here, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for being like whitewashed tombs, beautiful outside but unclean inside. It’s a powerful condemnation of the superficiality of self-righteousness.
  4. Romans 3:20 – Paul states that no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law. This verse reinforces the concept that righteousness comes from God, not through our own efforts.
  5. Galatians 6:3 – Paul warns that if anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. This verse speaks to the delusion of self-righteousness.
  6. Matthew 6:1 – Jesus advises not to do righteous deeds before men to be seen by them. This teaching warns against performing acts of righteousness for the sake of appearance rather than from genuine faith.
  7. James 4:6 – James reminds us that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. This verse emphasizes the value of humility over self-righteousness.
  8. Philippians 3:9 – Paul expresses his desire to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness, but that which is through faith in Christ. This reflects the Christian belief in righteousness through faith, not self-justification.
  9. Proverbs 30:12 – This verse talks about a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness. It’s a critique of the self-righteous attitude that lacks true self-awareness and repentance.
  10. 1 John 1:8 – John says that if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. This verse points out the self-deception involved in self-righteousness and the importance of acknowledging our sinfulness.
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The exploration of these verses reveals a consistent biblical stance on self-righteousness. It’s viewed as a hindrance to authentic spiritual growth and a barrier to understanding and receiving God’s grace. The Bible urges a shift from self-righteous attitudes to a posture of humility and dependence on God’s righteousness.