What Does the Bible Say About Birthdays?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary holds a degree in theology and she has a deep understanding of biblical texts. She works as an elementary school teacher in Alabama.

Are birthdays a big deal in the Bible? Not exactly. The Bible doesn’t explicitly say whether celebrating birthdays is a sin or not. The few mentions of birthdays in the Bible are mostly in passing or in negative contexts, but they don’t directly address the act of celebrating them. Jesus never condemned or promoted birthdays, and early Christians didn’t make it a focal point. It’s more about personal choice and understanding the intent behind the celebration.

Is there more to it? Let’s dive deeper.

What Does the Bible Say About Birthdays?

Interestingly, the Bible is quite quiet on this topic. When birthdays are mentioned, they aren’t always in the most positive light. Take, for instance, Pharaoh’s birthday in the Old Testament where his baker was hanged (Genesis 40:20-22), or King Herod’s birthday in the New Testament where John the Baptist was beheaded (Mark 6:21-28). These instances, however, highlight the actions of the individuals and not the celebration itself.

But just because the Bible doesn’t say much doesn’t mean we can’t discern God’s view on the matter. Throughout the Bible, the importance of commemorating significant events and milestones is evident. Think about the numerous feasts and celebrations God commanded the Israelites to observe. It wasn’t the act of remembering and celebrating that was ever the issue, but the reason behind it.

Jesus, during his time on Earth, attended various feasts and celebrations. While none were explicitly a “birthday party,” his presence signified that rejoicing and gathering aren’t inherently sinful. The key is ensuring that such events don’t overshadow our relationship with God or become avenues for sinful behavior.

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Considering this, if your intent for celebrating a birthday is to show appreciation for another year of life, to connect with loved ones, and to reflect on God’s blessings, there’s no clear reason why it shouldn’t be allowed.

However, it’s worth noting that early Christians didn’t celebrate birthdays with the fervor we see today, mainly because of its pagan origins and the lack of emphasis in scriptures. Yet, as with many things in Christianity, it boils down to personal conviction. The Bible provides guidelines, but personal choices should always align with an individual’s understanding of God’s word and Jesus’ teachings.

Bible Verses About Birthdays

  1. Genesis 40:20-22 – On the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, he gave a feast for all his servants. But in this celebration, the chief baker is hanged. While the event is negative, it doesn’t imply birthdays themselves are bad.
  1. Mark 6:21-28 – A significant event occurs during King Herod’s birthday feast. John the Baptist is beheaded at the request of Herodias’ daughter. Again, the story revolves around the actions of individuals rather than the concept of birthdays.
  1. Job 1:4 – Job’s sons would hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their sisters to eat and drink with them. This is a more neutral mention, simply noting the occurrence of birthday celebrations.

While there are only a few direct mentions, other verses in the Bible encourage thanksgiving, rejoicing, and recognizing the value of life. These can be inferred as supportive of celebrating the milestones of life, such as birthdays, as long as they are done with the right heart and intent.