What Does the Bible Say About Cursing?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary holds a degree in theology and she has a deep understanding of biblical texts. She works as an elementary school teacher in Alabama.

For those who prefer a quick answer, the Bible generally advises against cursing and using foul language. It sees our speech as a reflection of our hearts, and thus, urges us to speak words that are kind, uplifting, and encouraging. In essence, words have power, and we are admonished to use this power positively, to build up rather than tear down.

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches about the importance of our words, emphasizing that they reveal our inner character. The Apostle Paul also speaks to this, advising believers to let no corrupting talk come out of their mouths, but only such as is good for building up.

Curious about how our speech aligns with God’s view and the detailed insights from the Bible on cursing? There’s more to learn below!

What Does the Bible Say About Cursing?

The Bible offers significant guidance on the subject of cursing, positioning it in the broader context of how we use our words. It is consistently clear in depicting our speech as a mirror to our hearts and spiritual condition.

In the New Testament, Jesus elaborates that it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out, as it originates from the heart. He emphasizes that the words we speak are a reflection of our inner thoughts and character, and thus, uttering curses or foul language is seen as symptomatic of a defiled heart.

The Apostle Paul also touches on the subject of our speech. He urges believers in Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” This underscores the Bible’s recurrent theme of utilizing words for edification and conveying grace, contrasting sharply with the concept of cursing.

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While the Old Testament doesn’t specifically prohibit cursing or swear words as we understand them today, it does emphasize the power of the tongue and the importance of using it rightly. Proverbs 18:21 states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” This metaphor illustrates that our words can either bring forth life or inflict damage, reiterating the importance of cautious speech.

Furthermore, the Bible’s wisdom literature is abundant with advice on guarding our tongues and being mindful of our words, stressing that they can be a source of both blessing and destruction. It encourages speech that is truthful, gentle, and loving, embodying the values that Jesus exemplified in His interactions with others.

James, in his epistle, provides a vivid illustration of the tongue as a small member that boasts of great things and is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. It is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life. He highlights the paradox that with the same tongue, we bless our Lord and Father, and with it, we curse people who are made in the likeness of God.

Ultimately, the consensus within the Bible is that cursing is not aligned with God’s will for how we should communicate. Our speech is encouraged to be a conduit of love, grace, and truth, resonating with the teachings of Jesus, allowing for the fostering of positive and uplifting environments.

Bible Verses About Cursing

To understand this topic more deeply, let’s consider some specific Bible verses about cursing and what they mean.

  1. Ephesians 4:29 – Paul’s advice here is very clear, advising against any form of corrupting talk. He accentuates the importance of words that are good for building up and giving grace to the hearers, illustrating that our words should be vehicles of positive change.
  2. Matthew 15:11 – Here, Jesus states that it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out. This teaching underscores the importance of guarding our speech as it is a reflection of our hearts and inner character.
  3. Proverbs 18:21 – This verse portrays the tongue as having the power of life and death, signifying the enormous impact our words can have. It encourages awareness and mindfulness in our speech, emphasizing that our words should bring life.
  4. James 3:9-10 – James highlights the inconsistency of blessing God and cursing people with the same tongue. He emphasizes that this should not be so, as it is contradictory to use the tongue for both righteous and unrighteous purposes.
  5. Colossians 3:8 – Paul urges believers to put away obscene talk from their mouths. This verse aligns with the broader Biblical narrative advocating for speech that is pure, uplifting, and void of any form of cursing or foul language.
  6. Matthew 12:36-37 – Jesus warns that we will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word we speak. Our words, therefore, are significant and have eternal implications, reminding us to be mindful of every word we utter, ensuring it aligns with God’s will and love.
  7. Psalm 34:13 – The Psalmist David advises, “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.” This guidance reflects a foundational Biblical principle, to be truthful and abstain from harmful or deceitful speech, emphasizing honesty and integrity in our communications.
  8. Titus 3:2 – Paul instructs Titus to remind the people “to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.” This encapsulates the essence of Christian conduct in speech, portraying kindness, gentleness, and respect as its cornerstones.
  9. Proverbs 21:23 – This Proverb advises, “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.” The wisdom here is straightforward, highlighting the practical benefits of guarding our words and avoiding unnecessary conflicts and problems through mindful speech.
  10. 1 Peter 3:10 – Peter echoes the sentiments of the Psalmist, saying, “For ‘Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.’” This aligns with the broader Biblical narrative emphasizing wholesome and truthful speech as pathways to a fulfilling and righteous life.
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This exploration of the specific verses elucidates the Bible’s profound insights on the power and impact of our words, shedding light on the divine guidance provided to navigate our speech in a way that is harmonious with God’s will and the teachings of Jesus. The continuous thread across the scriptures is the emphasis on speech that is allowed to be wholesome, uplifting, and conducive to love and grace, steering clear of any form of cursing or derogatory language.