What Does the Bible Say About Psychics?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary holds a degree in theology and she has a deep understanding of biblical texts. She works as an elementary school teacher in Alabama.

The Bible seems to hold a clear stance on psychics and related practices, depicting them as incompatible with God’s will. Delving into the spiritual realm through mediums, fortune tellers, or psychics is cautioned against in both the Old and New Testament. These practices are usually associated with attempting to gain knowledge or communicate with spirits in a way that bypasses God, which is seen as a sin. Reliance on God and his revealed word is emphasized rather than seeking guidance or knowledge from other spiritual entities or realms.

For those who find intrigue in the mysterious realms of psychics and wonder what the Bible has to say about it, there’s a wealth of insights and teachings in its verses waiting to be explored.

What Does the Bible Say About Psychics?

When discussing psychics and the Bible, it’s vital to note that the Bible consistently warns against and condemns practices such as divination, sorcery, and consulting mediums. These are collectively termed as “necromancy,” a pursuit considered sinful, as it seeks knowledge from sources other than God. The Bible cautions against such practices throughout, emphasizing that reliance should be solely on God’s word and guidance.

In the Old Testament, specifically in the book of Leviticus, it’s explicitly stated that consulting mediums and spiritists is prohibited. This is echoed in Deuteronomy, where God’s chosen people, the Israelites, are advised against engaging in any form of divination or sorcery. Such practices were common among the nations surrounding Israel, and God’s view was clear; the Israelites were to be set apart, not conforming to these practices.

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The New Testament also reinforces this stance. The teachings of Jesus emphasize the importance of faith in God and adherence to His teachings. Jesus never endorses seeking knowledge or guidance from spirits or psychics; rather, He encourages trust in God and His providence.

In the Acts of the Apostles, a narrative detailing the early Christian church’s spread, the story of a slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination is told. When the Apostle Paul encounters her, he doesn’t endorse or seek knowledge from her; instead, he casts the spirit out of her in the name of Jesus.

This narrative is crucial as it elucidates the Christian perspective on psychics. The intervention of the Apostle Paul underscores the incompatibility of psychic practices with the teachings of Jesus, highlighting a stark contrast between reliance on the divine revelation of God and seeking knowledge from potentially deceptive and unauthorized sources.

Bible Verses About Psychics

Leviticus 19:31: “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.” This verse is forthright, warning against seeking guidance from mediums or spiritists, emphasizing God’s sole authority and guiding role in the lives of believers.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD.” These verses reiterate the prohibition against engaging in practices that are not allowed, as they are considered detestable in God’s sight.

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Acts 16:16-18: In this passage, the Apostle Paul encounters a slave girl with a spirit of divination, who earned a lot of money for her owners by fortune-telling. Paul, bothered by her, commanded the spirit to come out of her in the name of Jesus Christ, and it left her. This act is a clear denouncement of divination and psychic practices in the New Testament, highlighting the power of Jesus over such spirits.

1 Samuel 28:7-20 narrates the story of King Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel. The consequences were grave, demonstrating the peril in seeking unauthorized spiritual guidance. The narrative serves as a stark reminder of the repercussions of delving into forbidden spiritual practices.

These verses collectively form a coherent narrative, urging believers to avoid practices deemed sinful and to maintain unwavering faith in God’s word and guidance, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the teachings of the Bible and Jesus.