What Does the Bible Say About Soul Ties?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary is a devoted Bible student who loves sharing her knowledge, inspiring others with faith-filled insights, and deepening spiritual understanding through writing.

The idea of soul ties is often talked about in Christian circles.

Some believe that soul ties are deep emotional, spiritual, or even physical connections between two people.

Others wonder if the Bible actually supports this concept.

Are soul ties real, or are they just a human explanation for strong relationships?

More importantly, if they do exist, how do they affect our lives?

Does the Bible say anything about breaking unhealthy soul ties?

To answer these questions, we need to look at Scripture and understand what God says about relationships, intimacy, and spiritual connections.

What Are Soul Ties?

A soul tie is often described as a deep emotional and spiritual connection between two people.

It can form through close friendships, family bonds, or romantic relationships.

Many people believe soul ties can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on the nature of the relationship.

The idea is that when two people become deeply connected, their souls are tied together in a way that affects their emotions, decisions, and even their spiritual lives.

While the Bible does not specifically use the term soul tie, it does talk about deep bonds between people, both good and bad.

Biblical Examples of Strong Bonds

Though the phrase soul tie is not found in the Bible, there are many examples of strong, deep connections between people.

One of the most well-known is the friendship between David and Jonathan.

1 Samuel 18:1 says, “After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.”

This verse describes a strong, godly friendship.

Jonathan and David were deeply loyal to each other, and their bond was built on trust and mutual respect.

This is an example of a healthy soul connection—one that encourages, strengthens, and honors God.

On the other hand, the Bible also speaks of relationships that can lead people away from God’s will.

In Judges 16, Samson had a dangerous attachment to Delilah.

Even though she repeatedly betrayed him, he could not seem to let her go.

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His emotional and physical connection to her led to his downfall.

This shows how an unhealthy attachment can weaken a person spiritually and even lead to destruction.

Soul Ties Through Sexual Relationships

One of the strongest arguments for soul ties comes from what the Bible says about sexual intimacy.

1 Corinthians 6:16 says, “Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, ‘The two will become one flesh.’”

This verse is a reference to Genesis 2:24, where God designed marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Sex is not just a physical act—it has spiritual significance.

God created intimacy to be a deep connection between husband and wife, not something to be taken lightly.

When people engage in sexual relationships outside of God’s design, they may form emotional and spiritual bonds that were never meant to exist.

This is why many believe that sexual relationships outside of marriage can create unhealthy soul ties—attachments that bring pain, confusion, or even spiritual struggles.

Can Soul Ties Be Negative?

While some connections bring encouragement and strength, others can be harmful.

Unhealthy soul ties can form in different ways.

Some come from toxic friendships, abusive relationships, or even manipulative family dynamics.

Proverbs 22:24-25 warns, “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.”

This shows that the people we connect with can influence us, for better or worse.

A negative soul tie might look like feeling emotionally trapped in a past relationship, constantly thinking about someone who hurt you, having difficulty moving on after a toxic friendship or romance, or feeling controlled or manipulated by someone’s words or actions.

When a relationship pulls you away from God, drains your peace, or keeps you stuck in past wounds, it may be an unhealthy soul tie.

Breaking Unhealthy Soul Ties

If you feel bound to a past relationship or struggling to let go of an unhealthy connection, you do not have to stay stuck.

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God offers freedom from anything that hinders your relationship with Him.

John 8:36 says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

The first step is recognizing the connection that is affecting you negatively.

Ask yourself if the relationship brings you closer to God, if you are emotionally dependent in an unhealthy way, or if you feel controlled or manipulated.

If the answer is yes, it may be time to seek God’s wisdom about breaking that tie.

Confessing and repenting is an important part of breaking soul ties.

If a relationship has led you into sin, whether through sexual immorality, manipulation, or toxic attachment, confess it to God.

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

God’s grace is bigger than any mistake, and He offers a fresh start.

Praying for deliverance is another key step.

Ask God to break any spiritual or emotional chains that are keeping you tied to the past.

Declare His truth over your life and ask for His healing.

James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

When you surrender to God, the enemy loses his hold on your emotions and thoughts.

Removing reminders of unhealthy ties can also be helpful.

This could be old letters, gifts, pictures, or anything that keeps you emotionally attached to a relationship that no longer honors God.

Just like the Israelites were told to remove idols from their lives, you may need to remove things that keep you tied to unhealthy connections.

Renewing your mind with God’s truth is essential in moving forward.

Romans 12:2 encourages, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

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Instead of dwelling on the past, meditate on Scriptures that remind you of your identity in Christ.

Surrounding yourself with a godly community can also help in breaking unhealthy ties.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Having the right people in your life can help you grow stronger and avoid falling back into old patterns.

Healthy Connections That Honor God

Not all deep emotional bonds are bad.

God designed relationships to be a blessing.

The key is making sure your connections are rooted in love, truth, and a shared pursuit of God’s will.

A healthy relationship will encourage your walk with Christ, bring peace instead of emotional turmoil, honor God in purity and truth, and help you grow in wisdom and love.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

Godly relationships, whether friendships or romantic, should help you grow and bring you closer to Him.

Final Thoughts

The Bible may not use the term soul ties, but it does talk about deep emotional and spiritual bonds.

Some relationships are life-giving and help you grow in faith, while others can be unhealthy and lead you away from God’s plan.

If you feel trapped in an unhealthy connection, know that God offers freedom.

Through prayer, repentance, and renewing your mind with Scripture, you can break free and walk in His peace.

God desires for you to have healthy, life-giving relationships that glorify Him.

Seek Him first, trust in His wisdom, and let Him lead your heart.