What Does the Bible Say About Saving Money?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary holds a degree in theology and she has a deep understanding of biblical texts. She works as an elementary school teacher in Alabama.

The Bible offers balanced guidance on saving money. It acknowledges the importance of being prudent and preparing for the future. Yet, it also warns against hoarding wealth and encourages generosity. God’s view on money is clear: it should be managed wisely, but it should never become an idol or a source of sin. The Bible advocates for a balance between saving for future needs and trusting in God’s provision. Jesus, in the New Testament, also emphasizes the value of spiritual wealth over accumulating earthly treasures.

Interested in what the Bible has to say about saving money? It’s not just about the numbers in your bank account. Discover the biblical balance between wise saving and true wealth.

What Does the Bible Say About Saving Money?

The Bible’s stance on saving money is nuanced. It doesn’t outright condemn saving; instead, it offers wisdom on how to approach it.

One key aspect is prudence. The Bible recognizes the importance of being prepared for future needs. Proverbs, for example, is filled with advice on being diligent and wise with resources. Saving is seen as a part of good stewardship – managing what God has given responsibly.

However, the Bible also warns against hoarding wealth. It’s not just about accumulating as much as possible. Jesus speaks about this in the New Testament. He tells stories warning against storing up earthly riches and neglecting spiritual wealth. The point? Your heart should not be consumed by money.

God’s view on money extends beyond mere saving. It includes being generous and helping those in need. The Bible encourages sharing with others, implying that wealth is not just for personal security but also for serving others.

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Then there’s the aspect of trust. The Bible urges believers to trust in God’s provision. While it’s wise to save, it’s also important to remember that ultimate security comes from God, not your bank account. Jesus, in his teachings, reminds his followers to seek God’s kingdom first, assuring them that their needs will be met.

So, what’s the biblical approach to saving money? It’s about finding a balance. Save wisely, but don’t let money control you. Be generous and trust in God’s provision. It’s about having the right attitude towards money, seeing it as a tool to manage responsibly and use for God’s purposes.

Bible Verses About Saving Money

  1. Proverbs 21:20: “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.” This verse highlights the wisdom in saving and managing resources prudently, contrasting it with foolish spending.
  2. Matthew 6:19-21: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Jesus here is teaching about the priority of spiritual wealth over accumulating material riches, implying the importance of where one’s focus and trust lie.
  3. 1 Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” This verse warns about the dangers of letting money become an idol, which can lead to sin and various problems.
  4. Proverbs 13:11: “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.” This proverb emphasizes the value of earning and saving money through honest means, discouraging quick, unearned gains.
  5. Luke 12:15: “And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” Here, Jesus warns against letting greed and the pursuit of wealth dominate one’s life, suggesting that true life is not found in material possessions.
  6. Proverbs 6:6-8: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” This passage uses the ant as an example of diligence and foresight in saving for future needs, encouraging a proactive and thoughtful approach to managing resources.
  7. Hebrews 13:5: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” This verse emphasizes contentment and trust in God’s provision, suggesting that security should not solely come from financial savings.
  8. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7: “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” These verses highlight the importance of generosity. They suggest that saving should be balanced with giving, and that giving should be done willingly and joyfully.
  9. Proverbs 22:9: “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” This proverb links generosity, especially towards those in need, with blessings, reinforcing the idea that one’s approach to money should include a willingness to share.
  10. Luke 14:28: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?” Jesus uses this example to illustrate the importance of planning and considering the cost of one’s actions, which can be applied to the principle of saving and financial planning.
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These verses collectively provide a comprehensive view on saving money from a biblical perspective. They emphasize wisdom and prudence in saving, warn against the dangers of greed and covetousness, and underscore the importance of generosity and trusting in God’s provision. The Bible presents a balanced approach to managing finances, encouraging believers to use money as a tool for good stewardship, generosity, and living a faith-centered life.