What Does the Bible Say About Science?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary is a devoted Bible student who loves sharing her knowledge, inspiring others with faith-filled insights, and deepening spiritual understanding through writing.

Science and faith are often viewed as opposing forces, but the Bible presents a different perspective.

Rather than being in conflict, Scripture acknowledges the order and design of creation, which science seeks to understand.

Throughout history, many great scientists were also people of faith, believing that studying the natural world was a way to appreciate God’s handiwork.

The Bible does not use the word “science” in the modern sense, but it does encourage wisdom, knowledge, and discovery.

By exploring what the Bible says about the natural world, we can see that faith and science are not enemies but partners in understanding truth.

The Bible and the Natural World

From the very first verse, the Bible acknowledges that the universe was created with purpose.

Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

This foundational truth establishes that the world is not the result of random chance but the work of an intentional Creator.

Psalm 19:1 declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Nature itself points to God’s existence, revealing His power and majesty through its complexity and order.

Romans 1:20 reinforces this idea, saying that God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—are clearly seen in creation.

Science, when studied honestly, can help us appreciate the intricate details of God’s work.

The Role of Knowledge and Wisdom

The Bible encourages the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

This verse reminds us that true knowledge starts with recognizing God as the source of all wisdom.

Daniel 1:17 describes how God gave Daniel and his friends knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning.

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Even though they lived in a pagan land, their wisdom was rooted in God’s truth.

Science and education are valuable tools, but they should be used to glorify God, not to replace Him.

The Bible warns against arrogance in knowledge, reminding people that wisdom comes from God.

Scientific Principles in the Bible

Though the Bible is not a science textbook, it contains scientific truths that align with modern discoveries.

Isaiah 40:22 describes the earth as a circle, hinting at its spherical shape long before this was commonly understood.

Job 26:7 states that God “hangs the earth on nothing,” which aligns with our understanding of gravity and space.

Leviticus 17:11 says, “The life of a creature is in the blood,” a fact now confirmed by medical science.

Many hygiene and dietary laws in the Old Testament also reflect principles that promote health, showing that God’s instructions were based on wisdom beyond human knowledge at the time.

While the Bible does not explain scientific processes in detail, it often reflects principles that align with scientific truth.

The Limits of Human Understanding

The Bible acknowledges that human knowledge is limited compared to God’s wisdom.

Job 38 records God asking Job a series of questions about the universe, such as, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?”

This passage reminds us that no matter how much humans discover, there will always be mysteries beyond our understanding.

Isaiah 55:8-9 states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways… as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways.”

Science can uncover incredible truths, but it cannot answer every question about life, purpose, or eternity.

Faith bridges the gap where human knowledge falls short.

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Faith and Science Working Together

Many believe that science and faith are opposed, but history tells a different story.

Many early scientists, such as Isaac Newton and Johannes Kepler, were devout believers who saw science as a way to understand God’s creation.

Newton once wrote that studying nature was a way to honor God’s craftsmanship.

Colossians 1:16 says, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.”

Science helps reveal the mechanisms of God’s creation, but it does not replace faith.

Rather than being a threat to belief, scientific discovery can strengthen it by showing the complexity and beauty of God’s design.

The Dangers of Science Without God

While science is a tool for discovery, the Bible warns about relying on human knowledge apart from God.

Romans 1:21-22 describes people who “although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

When knowledge is used without acknowledging God, it can lead to arrogance and deception.

1 Timothy 6:20 cautions believers to “turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.”

Science should be used to uncover truth, not to deny the existence of God.

When science is pursued with humility, it can lead to a deeper appreciation of God’s creation.

Miracles and Science

One of the biggest conflicts between faith and science is the concept of miracles.

Science is based on observing natural laws, while miracles are events that go beyond those laws.

The Bible records many miracles, such as Jesus walking on water, healing the sick, and rising from the dead.

Some argue that miracles contradict science, but for believers, they show God’s power over creation.

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Luke 1:37 states, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

If God created the laws of nature, He has the power to intervene when He chooses.

Science may not explain miracles, but that does not mean they are impossible.

They point to a reality beyond what human understanding can grasp.

The Future of Science and Faith

As technology advances, the relationship between science and faith continues to be debated.

Some discoveries raise ethical questions, such as genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.

The Bible provides guidance on how to approach knowledge responsibly.

Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Christians are called to seek wisdom and use science for good, not for selfish or harmful purposes.

By keeping faith at the center, scientific advancements can be used to improve lives while honoring God’s design.

Final Thoughts

The Bible does not reject science but encourages wisdom, discovery, and appreciation of the natural world.

Science helps reveal the complexity of God’s creation, but it should not replace faith.

Throughout history, many scientists have seen their work as a way to honor God’s design.

While science explains how the world works, the Bible answers deeper questions about purpose, morality, and eternity.

Faith and science are not enemies—they work together to reveal the beauty and order of God’s creation.

By studying both, believers can grow in knowledge while remaining grounded in their faith.