What Does the Bible Say About Wedding Rings?

Written By Mary Carter

Mary is a devoted Bible student who loves sharing her knowledge, inspiring others with faith-filled insights, and deepening spiritual understanding through writing.

The Bible does not specifically mention wedding rings. The tradition of exchanging rings is a cultural practice rather than a biblical mandate. However, the Bible does speak extensively about marriage, commitment, and the covenant between a husband and wife. These principles can be symbolically represented through the exchange of wedding rings, symbolizing unending love and commitment.

Curious about how the symbol of a wedding ring aligns with biblical teachings on marriage? Let’s explore the biblical principles that can be reflected in the tradition of wearing wedding rings.

What Does the Bible Say About Wedding Rings?

While wedding rings are not mentioned in the Bible, the principles surrounding marriage and commitment in scripture can be symbolically represented in the tradition of exchanging rings. Wedding rings, as a cultural practice, can embody the biblical teachings on marriage.

In the Bible, marriage is highly esteemed and is often used to illustrate the relationship between Christ and the Church. The covenant of marriage, a key biblical concept, involves commitment, loyalty, and mutual respect. These values can be symbolically echoed in the exchanging of wedding rings, representing a continuous, unbroken circle of love and fidelity.

The Bible emphasizes the importance of faithfulness and steadfast love in marriage. For example, in Ephesians, husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the Church. This depth of commitment and sacrificial love can be reflected in the wearing of wedding rings as a daily reminder of these vows.

God’s view on marriage, as presented in the Bible, is that it is a sacred covenant. It’s a union that should be entered into with reverence, love, and a commitment to enduring faithfulness. While the Bible does not prescribe specific symbols like wedding rings, it does highlight the importance of outward expressions of inner commitments.

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Jesus, in His teachings, emphasized the sanctity of marriage and the seriousness of the commitment involved. The exchange of rings can serve as a symbol of the vows made before God, representing a physical reminder of a spiritual and emotional commitment.

In the New Testament, the concept of a covenant is central. Marriage, as a covenant relationship, can be seen as a reflection of the covenant between God and His people. In this light, wedding rings can represent a couple’s dedication to upholding their covenant with each other.

Furthermore, the Bible advises believers to live in a way that honors God in all aspects of life, including marriage. The decision to wear wedding rings, therefore, can be viewed as a way to honor the marriage covenant and reflect one’s commitment to this God-ordained relationship.

In essence, while the Bible does not specifically address the topic of wedding rings, the principles of love, commitment, and faithfulness that underpin the concept of marriage in scripture can be symbolically represented in the tradition of exchanging rings.

Bible Verses About Wedding Rings

  1. Ephesians 5:25-33 – Paul’s discourse on marriage, emphasizing the love and commitment between husbands and wives, which can be symbolized through wedding rings.
  2. Genesis 2:24 – “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This foundational verse about the union of marriage can be reflected in the circular, unending nature of a wedding ring.
  3. Proverbs 31:10 – “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” This verse celebrates the value of a loving and faithful wife, which can be symbolically honored in the giving of a wedding ring.
  4. Song of Solomon 8:6-7 – “Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave.” The metaphor of a seal can be likened to the wearing of a wedding ring as a sign of love and commitment.
  5. Malachi 2:14-15 – Discusses the covenant of marriage, which can be symbolized by wedding rings as a physical representation of this spiritual covenant.
  6. Matthew 19:4-6 – Jesus’ teaching on marriage, highlighting the unbreakable bond, which can be symbolically represented by a continuous wedding ring.
  7. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – Describes the qualities of love, which are foundational in marriage and can be represented by the exchange of rings.
  8. Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.” This verse emphasizes the honor and purity of marriage, values that can be symbolically reflected in wedding rings.
  9. 1 Peter 3:1-7 – Discusses the mutual respect and understanding in marriage, which can be symbolized by the mutual exchange of wedding rings.
  10. Ruth 1:16-17 – Ruth’s commitment to Naomi reflects loyalty and faithfulness, qualities important in marriage and symbolized by wedding rings.
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While the Bible does not specifically mention wedding rings, the symbolism of these rings aligns well with the biblical principles of marriage. Wedding rings can serve as a tangible reminder of the commitment, love, and faithfulness that are central to a Christian marriage. They symbolize the unending, unbreakable bond that marriage represents, echoing the covenantal nature of the relationship as depicted in the scriptures.